Happiness Is A Habit - a little dose of happy - aldohappy.com
Happiness | Kindness | Relationships | Self-Care

Happiness is a Habit

Happiness is a Habit.

Build happy habits with our new happiness app developed specifically for busy people.

We often feel like we’re too busy. There’s never enough time to do everything we want to do! It seems impossible to fit our well-being and happiness into our schedule. Does this sound familiar to you?

It doesn’t have to be this way!

We created a little dose of happy with the busy, working professional in mind. We intentionally designed our Do Happy: Daily Happier Habits App to be a comprehensive yet simple framework for happiness. By making it easy for you to do something for yourself every day, you’ll be more likely to do it!

The premise is that all it takes is a little dose of happy every day for your overall level of happiness to grow exponentially over time. By implementing simple daily habits to increase your happiness, you will find yourself happier and healthier in no time!

This is due to the incredible power of small wins and compounding. If you increase your happiness by just 1% every day, you can double your overall level of happiness in as little as 70 days!

But, to succeed at developing a new habit, you first need to have the right mindset. You need to believe that your happiness matters and that your happiness starts with you. That’s the only way you’ll make sure to take action to do happy every day.

Take Action and Do Happy.

When you’re ready to take action, the Do Happy: Daily Happier Habits App is the perfect tool for you!

Do Happy Daily Happier Habits App screens: Home Screen, Do Happy Journal, accountability calendar, Important People Organizer, profile screen with completed Do Happy tasks

Happiness takes action. We call this doing happy. The app provides you with a Do Happy Task of the Day to complete every day. These tasks focus on three main pillars of happiness:

Completing your daily task by midnight the following day earns you a blue star on your accountability calendar and happyStars (points) that lead to happy status. Once you start earning stars and seeing them pop up on your calendar and accumulate happyStars and status, you’ll become increasingly motivated to continue!

Happiness is a Habit.

You can live a happy life. Happiness, after all, is just a habit. The Do Happy App will help you build happy habits, track your progress, and become the happiest version of yourself.

After the setup phase of adding your loved ones and choosing your weekly task schedule, the app becomes fully automated. This lowers the activation energy and effort needed to do happy every day.

The app tells you what to do and provides ideas on how to do it! The tasks are simple and can easily be completed over a day.

Here are some of the other ways the app helps you build good habits:

  • The app presents you with your Do Happy Task of the Day in the morning via a push notification and sends you a reminder in the evening to complete the task if you haven’t already.
  • You choose a Self-Care Challenge task from a list that prioritizes mental and physical well-being. You are encouraged to complete your Self-Care Challenge task 3 times a week for 3 to 6 months. The app tracks your progress and rewards you with progressively more bonus happyStars for each successful month you finish.
  • Your Do Happy Journal focuses your thoughts on 10 happiness-boosting elements and how they make you happy every day. Writing in your journal by midnight the following day earns you a smiley on your accountability calendar and happyStars.
  • Your Do Happy Analytics enable you to analyze your personal data to understand the key contributors to your happiness and identify areas of opportunity for continuous self-improvement.
  • Your Important People Organizer helps you keep track of all your loved ones and their special occasions. All inputted dates become Do Happy Reminders to ensure you never forget any important dates! The Do Happy Reminders are also completable tasks encouraging you to contact your loved ones on their special days (and earn happyStars).
  • Your accountability calendar serves as a visual cue for self-motivation to keep going and not break your streak of completing happy tasks: blue stars for daily tasks, smileys for journaling, and gold stars for bonus acts of kindness.
  • For social support, you can easily click to share your accomplishments on social media or text messaging.

As you continue using the Do Happy App, it becomes your ongoing memory book of happiness with your personal photographs and descriptions of happy moments. You can review it whenever you want to reminisce or need a quick pick-me-up.

Become a Happier You!

Forget superficial fixes and short-term solutions. Choose long-term habits and sustainable progress with the Do Happy App! You’ll marvel at the app’s simplicity and how it keeps you accountable for your happiness.

Get started today! Download the Do Happy App to find out how easy it is to add joy and happiness to your daily routine!

inspirational message that says, "choose happy, do happy, be happy"

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