How to Let Things Go and Instantly Boost Your Mood - a little dose of happy - Blog

How to Let Things Go and Instantly Boost Your Mood

It’s human nature to cling to things that no longer serve us – a dead-end job, a toxic relationship, a destructive habit. We may know in our hearts it’s time to let go and move on, but we can’t seem to take that step. The pain of the present is familiar, even if it’s not what we want. The future contains the fear of the unknown. Stuck between the two, we hold on far longer than we should.

In this post, we’ll walk you through how to view what you need to let go as a sunk cost so you can finally release your grip. You’ll discover the immediate benefits of surrendering what weighs you down. We’ll share practical strategies you can apply right now to begin emotionally and mentally letting go of anything that no longer serves your well-being and goals.

It can be difficult, but releasing something that’s only hurting you is an act of courage that leads to joy. You deserve to be free from all that pollutes your present-day life. Read on to learn how to let things go.

Understanding Why You Need to Let Go

In economics, a sunk cost refers to money that’s already been spent and cannot be recovered. For example, the cost of a vacation you’ve already gone on would be considered a sunk cost. No matter what happens, you can’t get back the time or money you spent.

Often, we make the mistake of holding onto commitments, behaviors, and even people because of all the time, emotion, and resources we’ve already invested in them. However, when these things no longer bring value or meaning to our lives, they become sunk costs.

Clinging to a sunk cost that hurts our present well-being due to feeling obligated over past investment is called the sunk cost fallacy. We irrationally cling to something detrimental simply because we already devoted ourselves to it in some way.

man thinking by the ocean

Here are signs you may be committing the sunk cost fallacy:

  • You tolerate emotional pain and distress out of obligation to keep investing in something that isn’t working.
  • You won’t change your habits or lifestyle despite negative consequences because it feels like wasted effort otherwise.
  • You stay in an unsatisfying job or relationship because you’ve already put so much into it.

Take an honest inventory. Is there something in your daily life that you are holding onto that fits the above criteria? If so, it’s become a sunk cost, and it’s time to let go.

Consider these factors when deciding whether something is a sunk cost and if it’s time to move on:

1. Emotional Well-Being: Does the situation or decision continue to cause you distress, anxiety, or unhappiness? If something is detrimental to your emotional health, it may be a sign that it’s time to reconsider your investment in it.

2. Consistent Lack of Progress: If you’ve put significant effort and time into something and there’s little to no progress or growth, it might indicate that you’re facing a sunk cost.

3. Changing Goals and Values: Our priorities and values can evolve over time. If the thing you’re invested in no longer aligns with your current life goals or values, it could be a sign to redirect your efforts elsewhere.

4. Opportunity Costs: Consider what other opportunities you might be missing out on because of this particular investment. It might be time to move on if different paths or choices align better with your current needs and goals.

5. Feedback from Trusted Individuals: Sometimes, an external perspective can provide clarity. Talk to friends, family, or a mental health professional who can offer a balanced view of your situation. They might see things you don’t.

6. Gut Feeling: Our intuition or gut feeling can often provide valuable insights. If something consistently feels “off” or not right, even if you can’t pinpoint why, it’s worth paying attention to.

7. Relentless Hope vs. Reality: If you find yourself holding onto hope without substantial evidence or reason to believe that things will improve, it might be an emotional sunk cost. Hope is essential, but it’s crucial to ground it in reality.

8. Dependency vs. Desire: Ask yourself if you’re continuing with this choice because you genuinely want to or feel you have to due to fear, obligation, or guilt. Making choices out of fear rarely leads to fulfilling outcomes.

Recognize that a sunk cost doesn’t mean that the effort was wasted. Every experience, even the ones that don’t lead to the desired outcome, offers learning and growth. Take those lessons, reflect on them, and then use that knowledge to make informed decisions moving forward.

The Immediate Benefits of Letting Go

Moving on from a sunk cost can be challenging. There may be grief, sadness, or a sense of loss associated with letting go. However, with support and time, you’ll find that freeing yourself from a burdensome sunk cost can open the door to new opportunities and a better sense of well-being.

Here are some of the immediate benefits to your psychological well-being from letting go:

  • Improved Mood: Letting go of draining situations stops emotional spiraling and painful feelings in their tracks. You’ll feel the weight lift.
  • Increased Motivation: You’ll gain momentum to pursue new goals and meaningful activities.
  • More Energy: Holding onto stagnancy is exhausting. Letting go frees up your bandwidth.
  • Enhanced Clarity: Releasing an attachment you’ve outgrown makes your needs and values clearer.
  • Reduced Stress: Eliminating an obligation or burden lightens your load enormously.

The most instant reward is the joy and peace of mind from inner alignment. Letting go allows you to reconnect with what your heart and soul truly desire. When you let go of situations or mindsets that don’t align with your core values and needs, you free yourself to live in harmony with your authentic self. 

woman with her arms raised

Why Letting Go Feels So Hard

If letting go lifts our spirits, why does it often feel so difficult? Here are some common reasons:

  • Loss Aversion: We fixate on what we’ll lose or “give up on” rather than what we’ll gain.
  • Fear of Regret: We worry if we let go now, we’ll wish we hadn’t later.
  • Guilt and Shame: We feel like we’re quitting, being selfish, or giving up too easily.
  • Planning Fallacy: We underestimate how long we’ve held on already, so hold on longer, hoping for change.
  • Sunk Cost Bias: We irrationally escalate our commitment to something based on past investment.
  • Pain Avoidance: We’d rather cling to familiar past hurts than face the unknowns of letting go and change.

Remind yourself that staying stuck serves no one. By letting go, you open the door to something that feeds your soul right now. The present is all we have. Make choices aligned with who you are today.

Strategies to Let Go Right Now

Now that you understand the importance of letting go, let’s explore some strategies you can start applying today:

1. Practice Mindfulness

Getting caught up in our thoughts and feelings can feel like being stuck in quicksand – the more we struggle, the deeper we sink. Practicing mindfulness meditation creates space between you and your inner experience so it doesn’t pull you under. 

Set aside 5-10 minutes every day to sit quietly and observe what arises inside you. When painful emotions or repetitive thoughts show up, notice them without judgment. Don’t cling to them or push them away. Simply acknowledge their presence, then bring your attention back to your breath. Stay anchored in the present moment. The more you practice mindfulness, the easier letting go becomes.

2. Forgive Yourself

Let go of self-criticism, shame, or regret over the past. Understand you made the best decisions you could with the awareness you had at the time. Focus on taking positive steps to care for yourself here and now.

Try using self-love affirmations like:

  • I forgive myself for any mistakes. I was doing my best.”
  • I accept myself exactly as I am in this moment.”
  • I choose to speak to myself with kindness and compassion.”
  • My past does not define me. I get to grow and change.”
  • I release any judgment. I am enough just as I am.”

Speak these positive affirmations aloud or write them down when feelings of regret arise. Nurturing self-forgiveness and self-acceptance will help you let go.

3. Reframe as a Sunk Cost

Remind yourself dwelling on the past won’t recover your prior investment. Make an intentional choice not to cling to mistakes or losses and instead let go of the past. Take actions that serve your highest good right now. Every moment is a chance to make better choices aligned with who you are today.

4. Focus on the Present

Throughout the day, pause to bring your full attention to your senses in the current moment. Notice sights, sounds, textures, and tastes. This grounds you in the reality that the past and future aren’t here; this moment is all there is. Focus on the present.

woman smelling sunflowers

5. Write It Out

Journal extensively about your emotions, past experiences, inner conflicts, and beliefs around letting go. Explore any pain through writing. Articulate your commitment to stop reliving the past. Getting these thoughts out of your mind and onto paper brings clarity.

6. Practice Gratitude

Even when something no longer serves you, it likely has brought some blessings into your life. Reflect on what you gained from this experience to cultivate gratitude. Make a list of the positive things, like valuable lessons you learned, meaningful connections you made, and ways you grew as a person.

Expressing gratitude shifts your focus from what you are losing to what you have gained. Being intentionally thankful for the clarity to move on also reinforces that letting go aligns with your growth and fulfillment. This practice helps release resentment so you can let go from a place of love, not anger.

7. Talk It Out

Voice your desire and commitment to let go out loud. Even better, open up to a trusted friend or family member who can offer perspective and helpful advice. Getting support provides strength and accountability. A counselor can be a neutral sounding board if you don’t have someone close.

8. Move Your Body

Engage in physical activities like stretching, dancing, or aerobic exercise to release pent-up energy and emotions. Your mental clarity will improve after shaking off stagnancy through movement. Go for a walk or run outside while mentally picturing letting go.

9. Change Your Environment

Remove reminders of what you’re releasing from your physical space. Limit time at places or with people associated with the past. Engage in new hobbies and activities unrelated to what you’re letting go. Creating a fresh environment supports a fresh mental start.

10. Have Faith in the Future

It’s normal to fear that letting go means losing your chance at happiness. Counter this by reminding yourself that release makes space for new possibilities aligned with who you are now. 

Letting go of the old narrative enables you to write a fresh story. Have faith that surrendering what holds you back will open the door to your highest potential. The unknown future contains gifts waiting once you unburden yourself.

man standing next to a body of water with head up and his arms spread out

11. Seek Professional Support

If attempts to let go exacerbate negative emotions, depression, anxiety, or pain, don’t hesitate to seek counseling. Therapists are trained to help you safely process and release past trauma. You don’t have to do this alone.

Looking Forward After Letting Go

Take a minute to congratulate yourself for having the courage to let go of what no longer serves you!

Here are some things to keep in mind moving forward:

  • Appreciate how strong you are for opening your hand. This wasn’t easy, but you chose your happiness and well-being.
  • Savor the lightness and relief. Let go often so you don’t accumulate new burdens.
  • Embrace uncertainty as freedom. The future has yet to be written, and the possibilities are endless!
  • Follow inspiration with childlike curiosity. Pursue what sparks joy.
  • Commit to your growth. Seek out new perspectives and skills.
  • Affirm you made the right choice. Never look back with regret.
  • Know the best is yet to come. This letting go makes room for new blessings.

Final Thoughts

We know how hard it is to let go of something that once meant so much. The irony is, holding on takes so much effort and causes so much pain. Yet actually letting go feels vulnerable and scary too.

Change is uncomfortable. Your mind will come up with all sorts of reasons not to take this leap.

But listen to your soul. Deep down, you know what’s weighing you down. Trust that you’re being called to release it for a reason.

Give yourself permission to let go gently, at your own pace. Some days will feel shaky and sad. That’s normal – be patient with yourself.

Over time, you’ll feel the benefits. Your mood will get lighter, and your energy will come back. Stay focused on making today great, and tomorrow will surprise you.

man walking and smiling

The future belongs to the open-hearted. Your purpose can only unfold when you make space for it. Stay open, and life will keep surprising you in magnificent ways. You’ll look back with gratitude that you found the courage to let go.

If you found this article helpful, check out the rest of the a little dose of happy blog for more practical tips on finding happiness and living a more fulfilling life.

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