Celebrating Together: The Power of Shared Joy - a little dose of happy - aldohappy.com Blog
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Celebrating Together: The Power of Shared Joy

Imagine that moment when something awesome happens, and you can’t wait to tell someone. That’s shared joy in a nutshell! When you get your dream job or achieve something you’ve been working towards for ages, the excitement multiplies when you share it with friends and family. It’s as if the happiness doubles instantly! 

a smiling couple high fiving a success

Swedish Wisdom

A Swedish proverb says it well: “Shared joy is double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” When we share our joyful emotions with others, they get amplified. And when things get tough, having someone to lean on makes sorrows feel more manageable.

This Swedish proverb about shared joy might be more than just a charming saying – it could be the key to why Nordic countries are the happiest in the world. Year after year, the World Happiness Report puts Nordic countries at the top. 

In 2024, Finland was number one, Denmark number two, Iceland number three, Sweden number four, and Norway number seven. This continues a trend seen every year from 2019 to 2023!

Clearly, the Nordic way to happiness – which includes shared joy – is working! When a group of countries is the happiest in the world year after year, we should pay attention to their cultural wisdom.

Research in relationship psychology supports this Nordic wisdom. Positive empathy, the ability to share and celebrate others’ positive emotions, aligns perfectly with the idea of shared joy. Partners who empathize with each other’s positive emotions report higher relationship satisfaction. Positive empathy is also more crucial for relationship quality than empathizing with negative emotions.

This is great news! This means we have even more reason to celebrate and share in each other’s joys – it’s not just fun, it’s relationship gold!

Practicing the Art of Shared Joy

So, what does shared joy look like when you put it into practice? For starters, it’s a two-way street: you open up about your own happiness and wholeheartedly celebrate the good fortune of those around you.

Sharing Your Own Joys

When something good happens to you, big or small, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it with others! 

Did you finally master that tricky recipe you’ve been working on? Tell your foodie friend about it! 

Did you get a promotion at work? Call your family to share the good news!

Even small joys, like seeing a beautiful sunset or having a great workout, are worth sharing!

Some people might not share their joys because they worry they’ll appear boastful. But true friends and loved ones want to see you happy. 

By sharing your joys, you’re not only amplifying your own happiness but also giving others the chance to celebrate with you. It’s a gift of positive energy that can also brighten someone else’s day.

Celebrating Others’ Joys

Just as important is to be there to celebrate the joys of others

When a friend shares good news with you, match their excitement! Be happy for them. Ask questions, show interest, and be proud of them. Your positive reaction can amplify their joy and strengthen your relationship.

Celebrating others’ joys doesn’t diminish your own happiness or success. Rather, it creates a positive, supportive environment where everyone feels seen and uplifted. 

Sharing Experiences

Another way to cultivate shared joy is by enjoying experiences together. When we do things or go on adventures with others, we’re not just sharing the moment – we’re creating lasting memories that can bring joy long after the event itself.

three smiling men celebrating a video game victory

So, plan a weekend trip with friends, start a book club with colleagues, or cook a meal with family. These shared experiences create a common ground for joy, giving you and your companions something to look forward to, enjoy in the moment, and reminisce about later.

Shared experiences also create inside jokes and references that can spark joy whenever they’re mentioned. Whether it’s a challenging hike you conquered together or a funny mishap during a cooking attempt, these shared moments become a source of ongoing happiness and connection.

Remember, the experience doesn’t have to be grand or expensive to create shared joy. Sometimes, the simplest activities – like a walk in the park or a game night – can create the most meaningful and joyful memories.

Balancing Joy and Sorrow

While our focus is on shared joy, it’s worth mentioning the other half of the Swedish proverb: shared sorrow. Life inevitably brings challenges and sorrows, and having a support system during those times is vital. 

Sharing our sorrows with trusted friends or family makes them feel more manageable. It reminds us that we’re not alone in our struggles.

But balance is essential. While we need outlets for our frustrations and sorrows, we shouldn’t let them dominate our interactions. By intentionally focusing more on sharing joys, we can create a more positive overall dynamic in our relationships and communities.

Overcoming Negativity

In today’s world, it’s unfortunately common to see people taking pleasure in others’ misfortunes, a concept known as schadenfreude. This is a breeding ground for resentment and negativity. Sharing joy is the cure for this!

By actively celebrating others’ successes and sharing our own joys, we create a space where positivity grows. We shift the focus from tearing others down to lifting each other up. This not only benefits those around us but also enhances our own well-being and happiness.

The Ripple Effect of Shared Joy

When we share joys, celebrate others’ successes, and create shared experiences, we set in motion a ripple effect. Like a stone thrown into a pond, each act of shared joy sends out ripples of positivity that go far beyond the initial interaction.

It starts with a personal joy, an achievement, or a shared experience. When we share that joy or do things together, it reinforces our own happiness and spreads to others.

Those who hear about our joy or participate in shared experiences get a mood boost themselves. Inspired by our openness and the positive energy of shared moments, they become more likely to share their own joys, creating a cycle of positivity.

Over time, this practice changes the culture within our social circles to one of celebration, shared adventures, and mutual support. As more people do this, it can transform our workplaces, families, and entire communities.

a happy group of colleagues celebrating a work success

In our world, where complaints and bad news often dominate, actively sharing joys, celebrating successes, and creating shared experiences can be revolutionary. It shifts our focus from what’s wrong to what’s right in our lives and the lives of those around us. The result? Increased gratitude, stronger relationships, a wealth of happy memories, and a more positive outlook on life!

Making Shared Joy the Norm

Imagine a world where we celebrate each other’s joys as naturally as we breathe and where everyone practices shared joy. In this world, every day is filled with moments of shared happiness, and our collective joy grows with each shared moment. 

This isn’t just a pipe dream – it’s a reality we can create with intention and habit.

All we need to do is to start small. 

So, share one good thing that happened to you today with a friend or family member. When someone shares good news with you, respond with genuine enthusiasm. Create opportunities for shared moments and reminisce about happy memories together. Do this regularly, and soon, it becomes second nature!

Every time you share joy, celebrate someone else’s success, or create a moment of shared happiness, you’re not just spreading joy – you’re contributing to a more positive, supportive world. And that is the power of shared joy!

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Sharing is caring!